Independent ~ Fundamental

401 Jenkins Bridge Road
Fountain Inn, South Carolina


Morning Worship9:30 AM
Sunday School10:45 AM
Evening Worship6:00 PM


Prayer & Bible Study7:00 PM

Call (864) 630-6821 For More Information

Our Mission: Building Believers Focused on Jesus Christ

Speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 3)

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”
Proverbs  14:34

Articles about faith and the church

  • Exploring spiritual practices in Baptist Church Community

    In the Baptist tradition, spiritual practices play a central role in nurturing individual faith and fostering community engagement. From prayer and Bible study to worship services and acts of service, these practices shape the spiritual journey of believers and contribute to their overall sense of well-being. Prayer holds a significant place in the life of … Read more

  • The superheroes from the Avengers are an example for the church

    The Avengers, a team of extraordinary individuals with superhuman abilities, have captured the imagination of audiences around the world. But beyond their thrilling exploits on the silver screen, the Avengers also serve as powerful examples for the church. First and foremost, the Avengers exhibit a powerful sense of unity and teamwork. Despite their differing backgrounds, … Read more